Thursday, September 30, 2010

Field Trip Information

Our Baker Farm field trip is coming up on the 13th of October.  If you have not yet returned your child's permission slip please do so tomorrow.  Your child will not be able to go on the field trip without a signed permission slip.  Also, if you did not return your lunch request form today please do so tomorrow.  They will need to order the food for our trip soon so we need an accurate number.  Drinks will be provided for the trip so please do not include one in your child's lunch.

Next week we will begin studying the farm to prepare for our trip.  This is a fun unit that the children really enjoy.

Today we began blending sounds together to make words.  We talked about the "at" family and sounded out words in that family.  Try writing a few "at" words like cat, rat, mat, flat, bat and sat on  a piece of paper and sound them out with your child.  They were very excited to be reading the words!

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