Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We have been really busy this week with end of the nine weeks assessments.  You will receive the results as part of your child's report card which will go home on the 14th.  We will then go over those assessments and your child's DIBELS scores during our conference on the 19th or 20th.  I know some of the other kindergarten teachers have already sent their DIBELS scores home, but I really prefer to go over them with you so you understand exactly what they mean.  Conference times will be coming home Friday.  I will schedule them between 3:15 - 6:00 on those two dates.  If one of those dates is not good for you (or neither is) please let me know.  I am also happy to meet at 7:45 if that is a better time for you.

The children have a substitute today because I am at a technology meeting.  They will also have one next Tuesday - Thursday.  I will be at an ARI meeting those days.

We are discussing the farm at school on preparation for our field trip next week.  They are really excited about the field trip.  We have it marked on our calendar so we always know how many more days we have to go before the trip.  Thanks to everyone for sending their field trip permission slips back.

Don't forget the book fair continues through Friday.  The children have had a lot of fun shopping. I can't wait to do some for our class.  Happy Reading!

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