Monday, September 27, 2010

Topsy Turvy Monday!

Our room was a mess for a while this afternoon!  We needed a new program installed on our computer and in order to do so we had to move the student computer across the room so we would have an Internet connection.  This had to be done when the children came back from P.E.  They were very helpful by sitting quietly for me.  I really appreciated it!

Beginning tomorrow the children will be able to visit the computer during literacy centers and free choice centers.  I know they will really enjoy the sites that I have selected for them.  I will put links to some of the sites up so you can check them out and visit them with your child from home sometimes.

We are getting another for our computer in a few weeks and we would love more.  If you or someone you know has one they would like to donate that would be great!  A printer would also be wonderful to have so they could print their work from time to time.  Just let me know!

This week we will be discussing the letter Aa, which means we will begin blending letter sounds to make words.  Very exciting!!!

If you have not already done so please read the post on "Our Apple Day Glog" and visit the site.  There are lots of cute pictures and videos from Apple Day last Friday on the Glog for you to see and share.

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