Friday, September 24, 2010


We had so much fun today celebrating Johnny Appleseed and apples!  We began the day with calendar time as usual, but the rest of the day was very special.  Instead of only having a few children share for Daily News all of the children were able to share their favorite kind of apple.  Best of all we could all read the news!

We then began our apple centers.  The following stations were set up for the children: match the number of seeds in an apple with the correct number, make patterns using small apple cut outs that have the letters we have studied on them thus far, a sight word memory game, making stained glass apples to hang in our windows, and a page in our Johnny Appleseed book.  Felix's mom came in today and helped with an art activity where the children made an apple core.  They are really cute!

Seth was our first Big Dog of the Week and his mom was our Mystery Reader today.  She read one of Seth's favorite books and answered questions about Seth.  The children enjoyed interviewing her!

We really enjoyed tasting different apple treats.  We had apple pie, apple juice, apple cider, apple cookies and apples of course!  We tasted red, green and yellow apples and dipped them in caramel dip, cinnamon caramel dip and apple butter.  The children all tried everything and most of them ate every bit of their treats.

Thanks to all of you who sent something in to make our apple day a success.  We even have a few leftovers for extra snacks and treats.  Pictures of the day will be posted on Monday so please check back and see how much fun we had today.

Mark your calendars now for our next special day on Wednesday, October 20th, the 50th day of school.  We will have a special 50's Day Celebration dressing like the 1950's and listening to the golden oldies.  We will explore the number 50 and celebrate the half-way to 100 mark.  More information will be coming soon!

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