Monday, April 11, 2011

Yucky Math!

I played a belated April Fools on the class today during math.  After reading Inch By Inch by Leo Lionni ( a book about an inch worm who measures parts of birds to avoid being eaten) I passed out "worms" to the class.  I made a big deal about them wiggling and feeling yucky and then telling the children as I carefully placed one in their hands to be really careful with them.  Their response was hysterical!  Even after seeing that it was a gummy they continued playing along until the last person got their worm.  One child was even worried because hers wasn't moving!!  They had a great time measuring things around the classroom and were very creative with what they measured.  After measuring they exchanged their inch worm for a gummy worm treat to snack on while we shared what we had measured.  It was a lot of fun!

This week proves to be busy.  Here are a few things going on in our room:

Introduction to our plant unit
Making egg people and growing grass seed for their hair
Making real Mr. Potato Heads to examine their roots
Measuring using non standard measurement
Leo Lionni author study
DIBELS practice

Please review the practice sheets for DIBELS with your child nightly. We will be testing next Monday and Tuesday.

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