Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bring in the Band!

This morningwe read the book Igor, The Bird Who Couldn't Sing.  We had a lot of fun playing a variety of musical instruments similar to the ones in the book.  Instead of singing every time Igor sang we played our instruments.  Since his singing was supposed to sound awful the louder and clangier our music got the better! 

This afternoon we compared maps and globes and learned a new word, sphere.  The children really like their new big kid word.  After reading about and comparing maps and globes we painted the Earth.  We talked about the seven continents and learned a song about them.  We made sure to show all seven in our paintings.  We also talked about the relationship the sun, moon and Earth have with each other.  Tomorrow we will do an experiment with shadows that is sure to be a hit.  Keep your fingers crossed for lots of sunshine!

The children are bringing home notes today about our 50's day next Wednesday the 13th.  Some of you may remember our plan to have one in the fall, but because of meetings and illness we did not get to implement our plans.  Therefore for the 150th day of school we are going to try it again.  We will celebrate 50 all day long with fun activities and snacks.  The children will be able to dress up like a 1950's kid in poodle skirts, rolled up jeans, t-shirts and bobby socks.  It should be a lot of fun!

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