Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Our morning was filled with Easter math centers today.  We sorted and graphed jelly beans according to their color, chose eggs out of an Easter basket and added the number of jelly beans inside and created patterns on a giant Easter egg.  It was a lot of fun!  this afternoon we checked on our plant experiments and updated our "How Our Garden Grows" blog.  Be sure to click on the link on the left to visit the blog and read about our discoveries!

This weekend they have a quick homework assignment.  Please trace your child's foot and send it in on the paper that was sent home and cut it out to return to school Monday.  We will be using our feet to measure and measuring our feet next week.  I think they will really enjoy the activities that have been planned.

Also, please send in an easy family recipe to share with the class by next Friday the 29th.  We will be using these as we begin our study of capacity.  If you would be willing to make it for our class to share one day please let me know.

Happy Easter!!!

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