Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Voted!

We had several elections in our room today.  The children had to place their favorite color in the ballot box when they arrived this morning.  We counted and graphed the votes together and the winner was...GREEN!  Later in the morning we raised our hands to vote for our favorite farm animal.  Horses won by a landslide.  We have also been reading books this week about elections and political offices.  The children had a lot of fun voting and were very excited to learn the outcome of their elections.

Our "Turkey Disguise Homework Project" is due Monday, November 8th.  Please visit the following link to see examples by another class.  This should be a fun project for you and your family.  You may use any materials you choose, but please keep in mind they need to stay disguised for two weeks.  In other words the more glue the better!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

The Fall Festival is Friday, November12th.  Our class is responsible for the fishing booth.  If you are available to work a shift for our class please let me know.  We will need the booth covered all day long..  We also need prizes for the booth.  If any of you want to get rid of leftover Halloween candy please send it in.  It would make great prizes.  Dollar Store goodies are also welcome.  Thanks!

Turkey Disguises

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