Thursday, November 4, 2010

Great Day!

We had our best day of school yet today!  The children got stickers for great behavior in P.E. and several were able to go to the treasure box at the end of the day.  They also did a great job with their letter sounds today.  Please continue working with your child on letter sounds at home.  Using flash cards and asking for the letter and the sound is a great way to practice.

Thanks to those of you who have volunteered for the Fall Festival next Friday.  We still need at least three more volunteers to help that day so please let me know as soon as possible if you can help.  Thanks also to those of you who have sent prizes in for our booth.  Once again if you have any left over Halloween candy you would like to get rid of we would be happy to take it!  Finally, remember we do not have school next Thursday so try to get your armband/ ticket money in by Wednesday so it's all taken care of Friday morning.

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