Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Math Centers

This morning we added a new addition to our morning routine.  Up until today when the children arrived they have put their backpacks up, written their name and placed it in a pocket chart.  Next, they place their typed name in another pocket chart pocket based on the beginning sound of the picture in that pocket.  For example, one of the pockets may have a picture of an alligator in it.  All children whose name begins with an /a/ sound place their typed name in that pocket too.  This is to encourage their recognition of beginning sounds.  Soon we will begin the same process with last names.  

 Today we began having math centers following our welcome to school activities.  Every day each table will complete one math center activity that will be rotated during the course of the week to each table.  This week the children are tracing and cutting out a turkey and then adding up to 8 feathers to their turkey.  During writing time they will write "My turkey has __ feathers" to go along with it.  As a follow up to our feather decorating for our huge turkey outside of our room the children are graphing the different colored feathers.  They are creating patterns on their Indian headbands.  Finally, they are counting and writing numbers on a turkey sheet.  They really enjoyed this new addition this morning.  I think it is a great way to continue to reinforce our math curriculum during a busy time in our day when notes are being returned to me, attendance and lunch count are taken, and other housekeeping jobs are taken care of in our classroom. 

I'll keep you updated on all of the fun and learning that occurs!

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