Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I was so glad to see all of you at our orientation meeting tonight!  I hope I was able to answer any questions that you may have.  Please feel free to email me anytime at ctruckskindergarten@gmail.com

There is one additional bit of info I forgot to mention that your children may have mentioned... The Yippee Clippee.  The children are trying to earn paper clips by doing what they are asked to the first time, or with no reminders.  For example, walking "hip & lips" ( a finger on your lips and a hand on your hips) in the hallway and sitting "criss-cross applesauce" during circle time will earn a clip for you.  Once you have ten plain clips you may turn them in for a colored clip and a visit to the treasure box.  This can happen any day so there is always  a chance of a reward.  The children have really responded well to this and are very excited when they earn a clip.

Remember to look for the first 9 weeks objectives and your reading log in tomorrow's red folder.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the overview of a day in Mrs. Trucks' class. I really enjoyed seeing all the kids work displayed on the walls and pictures add a great touch. I sounds like they will be very busy and you have a lot of great ideas to keep their attention.
