Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ssssssssss is for Snake!

We had a busy day at school today looking for Kk's in our Daily News and in each others names.  Jakell is our only classmate with a K in his name.  It was his big day!  We also read the book Something Special that we took a picture walk of yesterday.  Our predictions were correct!  The raccoon in the story, Sam, had trouble finding something special that he was good at, but when he finally did everyone was very excited.  Ask your child about the story tonight.

During centers we made a long list of great Ss words and a long snake.  We had a snake parade into the hallway where we laid him down on our way to P.E.  When we returned he had slithered down the hall, up the wall and froze into an Ss shape on the wall outside our room.  Everyone was very surprised!

P.S.  Look for all of the Ss's in this post with your child.  Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Andrew was very excited about the snake! He gave a pretty good detailed description of the events that led up to the snake being on the wall when they returned from P.E..
