Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Me on the Map

Yesterday we began our study of maps.  We created a KWL chart (what we know, want to know and have learned) about maps.  The children did a really good job listing things they already know about maps and what the want to lean about.  I will use their responses to guide our study of maps.  Today we color coded a map of LES and then created a map key or legend for our map.  These will be hung up so the children can refer to them during our study.

We are still discussing money and have lots of play money to work with.  We should be ready for our Truck Stop to open next week.

Finally, testing in the upper grades started today so we have a crazy schedule this week and the other testing days.  The kids think it is so funny to go places at the "wrong" time.  Be sure to ask them about it!

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