Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello and Good-bye

Today we started our discussion of opposites.  We took pictures with a friend of opposites in our classroom such as inside and outside, under the table and over the table.  The children had a lot of fun taking the pictures and getting to do a few things that are usually no-no's like standing on a table.  Anything for art and literature!  Tomorrow we will make a list of other opposites and the children will be asked to illustrate them.

In math we began working on number combinations to 5 and 6.  We read a story about five animals who all seek refuge under a mushroom during a rainstorm.  After reading the book we acted it out and arranged the "animals" differently to make 5 and 6.  They seem to understand the basics of addition so you will be seeing some early addition sheets coming home soon.  Your little babies are growing up!!

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