Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy 100th Day!!

We have been busy, busy, busy today with lots of 100th day activities.  We were challenged to complete 10 centers worth 10 points each throughout the day and we did it!!  We counted to 100 many different ways such as with our fingerprints, with colored tiles, treats that everyone sent in, writing our names and with stickers to name a few.  A lot of 100th day paraphernalia will be coming home later this week.  We concluded the day watching Emily's 100th Day of School and eating our 100th Day Heavenly Hash.  Yum!! 

This 100th day we had such fun.  We can't wait until 101!!!

Below are a few pictures of the big day.  More will be coming soon.
                                       Cute, little, old lady Destiny making her 100th day poster
                                                    A tower built with 100 blocks ~ WOW!!
                                                                     Good job girls!
                                            Another senior citizen kindergartner!  Old man Seth.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Testing This Week

Our DIBELS testing began today so don't be surprised if you have a tired kindergartner.  I also began assessing your child's reading level today using some of our class sets of books.  This will help them build their confidence reading as they read books that are on their level.

Please make sure to read, review letters/ numbers and help your child with their nightly homework.  These activities will help them tremendously with their reading skills.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hello and Good-bye

Today we started our discussion of opposites.  We took pictures with a friend of opposites in our classroom such as inside and outside, under the table and over the table.  The children had a lot of fun taking the pictures and getting to do a few things that are usually no-no's like standing on a table.  Anything for art and literature!  Tomorrow we will make a list of other opposites and the children will be asked to illustrate them.

In math we began working on number combinations to 5 and 6.  We read a story about five animals who all seek refuge under a mushroom during a rainstorm.  After reading the book we acted it out and arranged the "animals" differently to make 5 and 6.  They seem to understand the basics of addition so you will be seeing some early addition sheets coming home soon.  Your little babies are growing up!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome Back!

We had a good day today sharing about our winter weather adventures.  If you did not send your child's snowman in today please do so by Tuesday. The ones that came in today are precious!  We will be writing about the snowmen so it is important that your child turn one in.

Today a new letter practice sheet has been added to your child's red folder.  Please review the letters with your child every night to increase their recognition of letters.  Even though your child may know all of his or her letters it is important for them to practice using this format.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Snowman Fun!

The children are bringing home a paper plate snowman today that needs some help!  Please help your child add features to their snowman over the weekend and return to school by Tuesday.  Just like our Thanksgiving turkeys your child can use anything they would like to complete their snowman.  On Tuesday we will begin writing about our snowmen during centers.

They are also bringing home their weekly newsletter/ My Week sheet.  Please remind your child of the importance of  following directions and not playing all day at school.  Between both of us I am sure we can get the message across!  Thanks for your help!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's Snowing

We built a snowman today at school.  Using a lot of imagination we added features to a snowman who greets everyone at our door.  Yesterday I painted a snowman body on a large piece of paper and hung him on our door.  Today the children listed what he needed to really look like a snowman.  The children then chose which  part of the snowman they wanted to work on in a small group.  They really enjoyed this and had a chance to work with some friends they may not work with that often.  I'll post a picture of him tomorrow and share his name after we vote on it tomorrow.

Report cards will come home tomorrow.  Please look over it and send it back by Monday at the latest.  A new homework sheet will also come home tomorrow for the month of January.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We had a great first school day of the new year today.  The children were excited to see that our room had been rearranged over the break.  It looks really good and gives us more room to move around.  They were also thrilled by a surprise Santa Claus left for us... a new projector, screen and *Elmo document camera.  We were able to view each other's journals today on the big screen.  Later, we looked at pictures from the year from our class web page and blog on the screen.  I can't wait to implement our new treasures daily during both whole and small group time. 

I hope everyone had a great holiday!

*A big thanks goes to Santa's elves on the Leeds City Schools Foundation board for our new document camera.