Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Big Surprise!

This morning as we gathered on the rug for calendar time we noticed a red and green linking chain and a little stuffed girl in the rocking chair.  There was a note she had written (with very poor handwriting according to the children) to us on our Daily News board.  It said:

  Dear Friends,

   I am here to help you get ready for Christmas.  I will help you count the        days.

  Kathy the Elf

We were not sure what to do with the linking chain.  After a lot of discussion and looking at our December calendar we figured out there are 13 days of school left until we get out of school for Christmas.  At the end of each day someone who has had a great day with no behavior problems will get to tear a link off.  We will then add a link for each day we are at school in December.  We will  be able to compare the lengths of the chains and use them to measure different items in the room.  We can't wait to see what Kathy the Elf does next!

We also free painted Christmas trees today.  Tomorrow the children will cut them out and decorate them.  We will hang them up with the adorable elves the children made yesterday.  Our room is beginning to look very festive!

Don't forget tomorrow is our Children's Theater field trip.  We will be seeing the Elves and the Shoemaker.

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