Monday, February 28, 2011

Community Helpers

Today we began discussing community helpers and their jobs in our community.  Our first helper was a police officer.  We discussed how he protects us and keeps us safe.  We talked about how they "get bad guys" and help us cross the street at school.  We also talked about how if we are ever in trouble or need help we can ask a police officer to help us.  We completed a police officer page in our community helper books.  This book is always a favorite!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Letter To The President

February 24, 2011

Dear President Obama,

We live in Leeds, Alabama.  We are in kindergarten at Leeds Elementary School.  We are studying the presidents.  We have learned about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and we know that you are our 44th president.  We went to the White House website and looked at pictures of you and your family.  We even looked at pictures of your dog, Bo.  He is so cute!

We would like to know a few things about you.  How did you get to be president?  Where do you get to go as president?

Thank you for reading our letter.  Thank you for taking care of our country.

Mrs. Trucks’ Kindergarten Class

We'll keep you updated on the response!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And The Oscar Goes To...

Mrs. Trucks' Class!!  
I am so proud of the class.  They did a great job tonight. 
Enjoy watching and sharing with your family and friends.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stars are falling on LES!

The Kindergarten classes are performing at this month’s PTO meeting on February 15th   at 6:30.  They are practicing and working so hard for their debut!  Please have them wear jeans and a pink, red or white shirt for the performance.  Don’t forget your camera!!

DIBELS information and ideas to help your child are coming home today.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Today we continued our Cinderella study.  We read a version where Cinderella is a dog and compred it to Cinderella Penguin.  They all did a good job picking up on the similarities and differences in the two stories.

We are also working on the -et word family.  Some of the children will be coming home with books tonight that focus on this word family and our star words.  Please read with your child tonight and return the book tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fairy Tales

Today we began our study of fairy tales and nursery rhymes.  We read Cinderella Penguin this afternoon.  The children loved this version of Cinderella.  Following the story we discussed the characters, setting and the problem that needed to be solved.  The children were excited to learn big terms like character and setting.  We will be using this new vocabulary to discuss other versions of Cinderella that we will read throughout the week.

We are also practicing retelling stories of The Gingerbread Man and Cinderella at our flannel board center.  The children are also sequencing the events of Humpty Dumpty.  Please continue working with your child at home on their star words.  They are a big part of our center time now.  The more practice the better!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day!

We enjoyed watching both Birmingham Bill and Puxatony Phil on our projection screen this morning.  We read a book, Gregory's Shadow, about a groundhog who loses his shadow. After reading the book we watched the videos and then made our own picture of a groundhog coming out of his hole.  Based on our results today I hope Phil is right and Bill is wrong.  We are ready for Spring!!

We have new center groups and are trying a new rotation.  The groups are now made up of three students.  They are then pulled from their center groups to work with me in a small group throughout the week.  So far ir is going well!

New February homework calendars came home with your child yesterday.  Please continue working with your child on thier homework every night.  This gets them in the routine and gives them a chance to show off for you!  They are so proud of what they are learning.  The calendar also has a class list for you to help your child with their Valentines.  We will not have a party, but will exchange Valentines on Monday, February 14th.  I know they will be excited about that.